Founded in 1967, l’industria delle costruzioni is a high scientific level publication as evidenced by its presence in the most important national and international catalogues and databases.
Its numbers examine, with scientific competence and depth of content, central and ever-current issues of the contemporary debate on architecture and urban transformation.
Furthermore, as an architecture magazine published by the system of construction companies representation, it is the only one in Italy to carry out a difficult and constant operation of comparison and dialectic between empirical approach and theoretical speculation, between research and profession, constituting a point of reference for the main players in the construction world.
The magazine, in Italian and English, published bimonthly, is organized in monographic issues edited by experts. Among the covered topics: urban regeneration and redevelopment, housing, public space, infrastructure and sustainable mobility, landscape and archaeology, restoration and reuse.
The publication proposals are subjected to the evaluation of the editorial committee that makes use of the specific skills of external referees, Italian and foreign, according to the criterion of blind peer review (in accordance with the international standard of ISI scientific journals).
Publisher: Edilstampa Ance Servizi code of ethics