When changing the director, any journal modifies its content, structure, layout and communication strategy. In this case, the most significant variation is the involvement of IN/Arch in the direction; thus, the journal will now be the expression of two important institutions of the field of construction, with many shared values yet different purposes. We will seek to find as many shared points as possible, starting from the will to valorize design culture parallel to entrepreneurialism. Supporting quality architecture reinforces the original purposes of the overten-year-long partnership between the two institutions, which is now extended to the whole construction industry, thus encompassing building component industries and economic-financial structures as well. During this period, architecture journals are experiencing a profound crisis; instead, l’industria delle costruzioni, with almost 500 issues, has remained an effective tool for communicating architectural culture on the national scene. This represents an important heritage, which must be valorized, working in the wake of process innovation, documenting original experiences and expressive languages, and opening to the best international references. Each issue will have a monographic theme, starting with the IN/ARCHITETTURA 2023 awards. Several regular and recurring sections will accompany them to expand their content and anticipate complex themes that are interesting for the whole construction industry.

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