Ector Hoogstad Architecten

A deep tradition and relationship with the bicycle defines the context of this recent project for bicycle parking at the Central Station in Utrecht. A total of 21,373 m2 of parking area features widespread digital signage consisting of 161 elements indicating free and occupied stalls, level by level. The stalls were created on a narrow and elongated lot, beneath the plaza in front of the Station. The three levels of the project are distinguished and identified by three different colours: red for level 0, the point of entrance/exiting from the street via gentle ramps in two opposite directions, toward Moreelsepark and Smakkelaarsveld; yellow for level 1; green for level -1, connected directly with the track level of the railway station. The stalls, organised in a comb-like plan, each with space for two vertically stacked bicycles, are accessed from secondary side lanes, orthogonal to main routes. The parking can host up to 12,500 bicycles, making it the largest protected and covered bicycle parking structure in the world.

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