An Abandoned Void as New Urban Catalyst


The new park is situated in a liminal space that establishes a twofold boundary: between two natural components and between two parts of the city. The design of the park was grafted onto this hard line. It becomes its direct spatial extension, aligned with plans to improve the quality of seawater and transform the waterfront into an urban beachfront. The park is surrounded by a regular perimeter and the project aims to become a prototype, an elementary cell that can be replicated across the rest of this vast site. Space is dynamically animated by simultaneously monolithic and sinuous elements that mimic corrugations and swellings of a limey terrain. The measured positioning of these elements creates outdoor rooms that host different activities and programmes in a simultaneously fluid and variously characterised space. Their flexible and polymorph design generates varied occasions for creating urban furnishings and to configure more or less introverted environments.

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